If you received a personalized notice in the mail or via email with a Notice ID and Confirmation Code, please enter the codes you were provided below.

Please remember to enter the full Notice ID exactly as it appears on your personalized Notice, (i.e. 12345678).

If you did not receive a personalized Notice in the mail or via email, click below to complete a Claim Form.

The deadline for submitting this proof of claim form is

Please add the email, Confirmation@CreativeServicesDataBreachSettlement.com, to your contact list to ensure that future correspondence is delivered to your inbox.

If you are an individual whose Personal Information may have been compromised as a result of a data security incident that occurred in November 2021 when cybercriminals may have copied without authorization files from servers under the custody or control of Creative Services, Inc. (“CSI ”) (the “Data Security Incident”) you are a Class Member. The Personal Information obtained may have name, date of birth, Social Security number, financial account number, and/or driver’s license number. If your Personal Information may have been compromised as a result of the Data Security Incident, you are included in this Settlement as a member of the Settlement Class.

As a Class Member, you are eligible to make a claim for one or more of the following:

  • Reimbursement for Out-of-Pocket Losses: all Class Members may submit a claim for up to $3,000 for reimbursement of Out-of-Pocket Losses, which must be supported by (i) third-party documentation supporting the loss; and (ii) a brief description of the nature of the loss. A claim for Out-of-Pocket Losses may be combined with reimbursement for Attested Lost Time, but in no circumstance will a Settlement Class Member be eligible to receive more than the $3,000. If, after paying all claims, there remain funds in the Net Settlement Fund, a pro rata increase to a claim for Out-of-Pocket Losses may be applied to the baseline amount claimed.
  • Reimbursement for Attested Lost Time: all Class Members may submit a claim for reimbursement of Attested Time up to four (4) hours at $25 per hour,. A claim for Attested Lost Time may be combined with reimbursement for Out-of-Pocket Losses, but in no circumstance will a Settlement Class Member be eligible to receive more than the $3,000. If, after paying all claims, there remain funds in the Net Settlement Fund, a pro rata increase to a claim for Attested Lost Time may be applied to the baseline amount claimed.

All Eligible Class Members who submit valid Claims can sign up for two years of 3-Bureau Credit Monitoring/ID Theft Protection Services, which includes identity-theft protection insurance. If, after paying all claims, there remain funds in the Net Settlement Fund, they may be used for up to an additional two years of credit monitoring to Class Members that signed up for credit monitoring.


The Claims Administrator will use this information for all communications regarding this Claim Form and the Settlement. If this information changes prior to distribution of cash payments, you must notify the Claims Administrator in writing at the address above.

* Required Fields


Please indicate below how much time (round to the nearest hour and check only one box) that you spent to prevent or mitigate fraud and identity theft following the announcement of the Data Security Incident:

Examples: Select “1 Hour” if you spent time calling customer service lines, writing letters or emails, or on the Internet trying to get unauthorized charges reversed or reimbursed.


In order to make a claim for Reimbursement of Out-of-Pocket Losses, you must (i) fill out the information below and/or on a separate sheet submitted with this Claim Form; (ii) sign the attestation at the end of this Claim Form (section VII); and (iii) include third party documentation supporting each claimed cost along with this Claim Form. Out-of-Pocket Losses need to be deemed more likely than not due to the Data Security Incident by the Claims Administrator based on the documentation you provide and the facts of the Data Security Incident. Failure to meet the requirements of this section may result in your claim being rejected by the Claims Administrator.

Cost Type
(Fill all that apply)
Approximate Date of Loss Amount of Loss Name of Uploaded Supporting Document

If you do not submit third party documentation supporting a Reimbursement for Out-of-Pocket Losses, or your claim for a Reimbursement for Out-of-Pocket Losses claim is rejected by the Claims Administrator for any reason and you do not cure the defect, you will not be eligible to receive reimbursement for such losses.

VII. Supporting Documentation

Accepted file types are: PDF, TIF, JPG, GIF, PNG. Other file types will be rejected.

Please confirm in the grid below that your file has been successfully uploaded.

File List: No Files Selected

    VIII. Payment Method

    You have successfully requested a payment. Click here if you would like to choose a different payment method.


    Your Claim Form has been submitted successfully.

    Please print this page for your records.

    Your Claim Details
    Submitted Claim ID:
    Confirmation Code:
    You will need the above Submitted Claim ID and Confirmation Code if you would like to edit your Claim at a later time, so please print this page for your records.
    First Name
    Last Name
    Street Address
    Street Address 2
    Zip Code
    Postal Code
    Email Address
    Phone Number

    If you have any questions regarding your Claim, please provide the Submitted Claim ID listed above and email us at Info@CreativeServicesDataBreachSettlement.com

    Click here to edit your Claim.